I know what your thinking....what an adorable kitty! He is very much so adorable. He is a little bit crazy. If you let him, he would lick your skin till it was raw. If you walk to the laundry there he is, mail box, garden, neighbors...he is always by your side wanting loves. We gave him some advantage so he is clean and flea free. This is our dilemma. We started out calling him Fleabags. How can we call him this when he is so sweet and clean.
We need your help. We have thought of a few names but nothing seems to fit. Our neighbor said to name him after a Mormon leader. I don't think this kitty could live up to Joseph Smith or Brigham Young.
Rusty and I are leaning towards Murray. If you have any ideas let us know.
Murray is a cool name... very tongue-and-cheek mormon :)... what about Johnny (lingo). Or... hmmm, clarissa :)
Dave says "crackels". In the tradition of snaps...crackles (get it?). Then your next kitty could be "pops". I like Murray. Ginger maybe...
Our cat, Chancho, says you should name him El Skeleto...so he and your kitty could be buddies;-)
I had a boy cat names Mojo, I thought that was a cute name for a kitty. He really is a nice looking cat :)
Oh his name should be Milo. I only say that because Jesse and I both had a cat that looked like him and oddly enough we both named our cats Milo.
I like Mana Pua... you know... the bread with red meat, like what the chinese make downtown chinatown with the alley cats. hahaha kind of mean, but I really like the name.
I've always wanted to name my cat Mana pua, but no cat yet.
You can call him Mana for short, means spirit/life, which is better.
Hi Mana Pua. meow.
I don't know, I think he should always be reminded where he came from so as not to become too prideful so I would stick with flea bag. No, I'm kidding. I do kind of agree with your friend about naming him eskeleto because it is very fitting that you would have a cat with a spanish name. After all, you are practically fluent ;)Oh and this is Jessica not Rich.
I agree with Manapua! I always said that if I had another cat that's what I'd name him or her. We ended up naming out latest cat Skippy Jon Jones instead of Manapua. You should take it!
I just found your blog and CANNOT believe you have a baby! She is beautiful, congrats from Isaac and I and the kids! Also I was just reading your post and I think Manapua is PERFECT! When we lived in Kona that was our favorite!
What language does he speak? He looks Mexican to me. I think you should name him Ignacio.
We think you should name him Hobbes so Calvin could finally have a sidekick.
I still like Fleabag, personally. Not really sure I can help. All the names I like are humorous, and he's too sweet for a name that makes fun of him. Good luck!
i would go with murray!
Yeah- I also like fleabags, it's good be reminded of your heritage. Plus you don't want to confuse the little guy, changing his name might prove to be hard on his little brain.
We need to talk on the phone again ASAP, I miss you!! And I miss Hawaii. Rusty told us that you guys are probably going to end up staying out there. We're happy about that because we'll get to see you every time we go back. We were looking at real estate online and found an $11 million dollar house across the street from you guys that we want to buy. Would you guys house sit for us sometimes? That would be nice of you. Love you and miss you, we have to talk soon!!
Name the cat Larry.
You have a baby!?? I did NOT know that. How wonderful. Do you still teach 1st grade? Where do you teach? Raleigh is in first grade this next year and if you're just at Sunset I would SO transfer him there to be in your class!!!
You gotta post what you named him!
call him ol crazy eyes
name him after Mogley.....you know, aunt Jeannie and uncle brads fat dog...hahahaha....who let the dogs out??? maybe you should go get the dogs....heehee
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