In the past I have given half hearted attempts at starting potty training with Hanalei. I had my excuses: New baby coming, a big family trip, horror stories from my friends own potty efforts. Well, the time has come.
We started last week and Hanalei is a champ. We watched some videos on YouTube. She was pretty excited about elmo being on the potty. I made a sticker chart that we both decorated. It was time. That first day was pretty messy and lots of tears. We got through it.
Can you tell which part I decorated and which part Hanalei did?
She often gets herself up on the potty and
comes running out to me screaming,
"I did it!"
Outside is where she prefers to do number two
Getting rid of the evidence
If we stay home and just hang out she is 100%. Two Sundays in a row she has been accident free at church which is a huge accomplishment. She gets a little distracted at friends houses and has had some accidents in those situations.
We are still working on poop. She has done it probably three times in the potty. Her preferred spot is out in the yard somewhere. I don't recall getting a dog, yet I am constantly picking up poop. She has come a long way. Not too long ago she would cry when she needed to poop, so I am just happy that there are no more tears.