Tuesday, November 4

Mamma Called the Dr. And The Dr. Said...

No More Skimming for Pregnant Lala!

Boo Hoo!
What can I do? The waves are big its the best time for skimming and I have to sit back and sun bathe? Anyone who knows me, knows sun bathing last about ten mins before I get major ADD. So the result has been me skimming despite the Docs orders. Luckily no monkeys have fallen off the bed. I am past the stage in skimming where you eat sand. In fact the only time I fall is in water now. Its a little more forgiving. Every where I go people tell me "Your pregnant? Oh, no more skimming for you then." I laugh like yea...but secretly I think probably on Saturday I will go.

I know its bad some of you are thinking I am the worst mother to be in the world. I feel the same way. Skimmboarding is my drug and I am addicted. What makes it worse is everything I think of thats an alternative is kinda off limits too. I'm supposed to avoid any type of jarring physical activity. That gets rid of all the fun ones. So everytime I start telling my self no more skimming I get really depressed.

Last Saturday after we went skimming I told Rusty, "You have to be the parent here and tell me I CAN'T GO." He said, "When have you ever listened to me?" I told him he had to be persistent. Then we thought of an alternative sport to play...tennis! I love tennis. So on Saturdays we will play early in the morning then go for a cool down swim across the street at Pipe Line. If anyone else plays tennis let me know I would love to have a partner any day Monday-Friday.

On a happy baby note we find out what the baby is on the 18th of this month! Woo hoo! This will be the first apt. Rusty has been to. He'll get to hear the heart beat, see the baby movin around inside of me and, as my mom said we get to find out what color the baby is. Should be exciting for all!What swim wear do you think our baby should wear?


Scott and Laura said...

Yeah I hate restrictions! I love fish but they don't want you to eat much of it because of the mercury. Oh well, I'm with you on the bending the doctor's rules to some extent. :)

Lance and Kara Ford Family said...

I say boy. PS I don't think skimming would hurt the baby. I'm still playing on an indoor soccer league and plan to play as long as they let me. I even play goal keeper. I still dive for balls and get nailed by a ball every once in a while. But I guess I'm not your doctor. You better listen to the doctor not your friend... Love ya! I think for sure it's a boy. But we'll see. I'm going to find out next week what I'm having...

Jennifer said...

I think you need a boy! But Sara has that swim suit and it is mighty cute so maybe...I can' wait to hear the news!

Ryan and Megan said...

Lala, Ryan and I are up for tennis whenever. Let us know. I think you're right. I also think that I will need more than just luck to get through this winter. I will need you and Rusty as well!!! Hey, if you move to Buffalo you will never, not once, be tempted to skim board. If at some point little Buster starts to loose it, we'll know why we'll know who's to blame. LOVE YOU!!!!!!!

M. said...

Hey, if a mama whale can jump about in the water when she's prego why can't you?! Boooooo! (just comparing water activities, not the size of your body btw :))

Lindsey Graves said...

I vote for the red suit :) Tennis is great! I'm super excited to play. Are you going to be super competitive though and jump over the net to hit me with the racket if I beat you? Just want to make it clear that that would be a "Jarring activity"

Ben and Summer said...

GIRL! Of course. And you can buy her lots and lots of cute little swimming suits! Can't wait to find out. Good luck with tennis - hope it's exciting enough:)

sheila said...

I hope for a girl, just so our girls can play softball together.

I still think you can go skimming. You are good enough where you don't fall. I played intramurals volleyball until about 6 months. Just gatta keep your guard up. I rode bikes too, even though to doc said no- you gatta keep your self sane.

Blooming Mommy said...

Your so dang cute! Congrats on the baby bump "g-ma"! I love you! - Ur "grandbaby"- Rachel

sweetieabbott said...

I think you're gonna have a boy. I think that you'll have fun playing tennis and swimming, maybe not as much fun as skimming...but in my opinion there aren't a whole lot of fun things about being pregnant anyway. ;)