So there are a few questions people ask me when they know I'm pregnant. The first is always..."Is it a boy or a girl?" Good question. Since I haven't had any visions in my dreams my answer is the same. Don't know yet. The other frequent question is..."how far along are you?" When I tell them about 3 months the coment that often comes next is..."oh, then your not showing yet." I wish that were true. Actually its not so bad really. I think its fun to have a "baby bump" as I like to call it. This is the first pic of our little alien hanging on our fridge (cute magnents...thanks mom).

It just blows my mind that something so little can have such an impact on every aspect of my life. Sleeping, eating, peeing, my energy, and even give me a baby bump. I think I might be getting large and in cahrge with this one.
So here it is everyone. My baby bump for all to see..who haven't already seen. Pretty exciting I know...Don't hurt your self with all the excitement!
Ok so I haven't read up on your blog for a while because, well...I was pregnant(I love using it as an excuse too) So, holy crap Wilcox! You are pregnant! That is awesome! Can't wait to see you get huge and all stretched out like the rest of us. I'm so happy for you :)
Um I love that the last person who commented called you Wilcox... haha it must be a mission friend. Anyway, I have to say your "baby bump" is a poor excuse for a bump, you don't even look pregnant! (except for the fact that you're glowing) You look great and so does your little alien on the fridge :)
yea for the little mini lala. Big Lala, you look good.
i love your little lady lump! so adorable! very exciting that its starting to show, that was my favorite!
I will not put doen the size of your baby bump because I know how hard you have been working on it. But really...Sus you can do much better than that. Is the thrid question that people ask, "when is your gender determining sonogram?" Or maybe, any names yet????? I am so excited for baby 17! Make a photo copy of your sonogram pic, because fax paper fades over time. :-) love ya
cute little baby bump !! i was the same way w/ you when people say i'm not even showing, etc.. but trust me-- toward the end, you'll def be showing.. so enjoy the little bump you have :).. when will you guys find out what you're having ? -karen *steph's friend*
Wow, how fun you guys! Sus, you look great! But I know you can do better on that baby bump... work on it!
Congrats again!
Hee hee... I remember thinking I was fat at about 12 weeks. HA! Just wait until you can't put on pants or shoes by yourself anymore. It makes you sympathize for people who don't get to have babies and have it go away. Keep posting pictures of your teeny belly growing. :D
Don't you love it? The sleeping part I am having a hard time. :(
Yeah right. That's a lame baby bump. Like it or not, your still a skinny minny. I am so excited for little Buster though!! Is he going to be a mama's boy? "Buster, zip me up." Perfect. Love you!
ha. you are awesome. That little kid is going to be the new baby of the fam... not sure how i'm going to handle that. ;)
I hope pregnancy is treating you well. Hopefully you are over the sickness and can enjoy the start of your little family. It will be worth the sleepless nights and the discomfort associated with a growing tummy. Good luck
Luv Tiff and Alan Haynie
Oh that's just the cutest little tummy I've ever seen. Most people would say, whatever there's no bump there, but I remember your flat little tummy pre pregnancy. I love it!!!!! You are so cute. Ya lets play settlers... how about tomorrow night. Love you! Tell Rusty we love him too :)
I love you Lala!!! I miss you and Rusty like crazy!!! Please move to Buffalo.
Sus, I like what Steph had to say about your baby bump and I agree with her! Talk to me when you are in your 8th month--you think the peeing is bad now, just wait:) Oh, congrats on the official baby bump--good work!!!
Okay, I've updated twice since you... no excuses!
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